Visual Effects Bootcamp: The Rise of Realtime

Visual Effects Bootcamp: The Rise of Realtime

금별 0 1,568 2020.03.26 23:41



In this 2017 GDC talk, VFX veterans Keith Guerrette and Drew Skillman share their perspectives on where the game industry is at, where it's heading, and why it's critically important to foster a culture of knowledge sharing and collaboration within the visual effects community. Register for GDC: Join the GDC mailing list: Follow GDC on Twitter: GDC talks cover a range of developmental topics including game design, programming, audio, visual arts, business management, production, online games, and much more. We post a fresh GDC video every day. Subscribe to the channel to stay on top of regular updates, and check out GDC Vault for thousands of more in-depth talks from our archives.


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