언리얼4 튜토리얼 - Explosions for Games (UE4 Particle Tutorial)

언리얼4 튜토리얼 - Explosions for Games (UE4 Particle Tutorial)

금별 0 1,625 2020.01.20 14:39



Explosions for Games: Vol. I - https://videohive.net/item/explosions...

Explosions for Games: Vol II - https://videohive.net/item/explosions...

This is an UE4 explosion particle tutorial for Explosions for Games: Vol. II - it covers basic particle setup in Cascade, tips for achieving more believable motion and creating a fun projectile to give our explosions some extra punch

Explosions for Games are production-ready packs of explosion animations generated in SideFX Houdini - ideal for both indie & AAA developers in any available games engine (UE4, CryEngine, Unity, etc.) – the packs contain engine-ready flipbooks, production friendly source assets and will save you hundreds of hours of simulating, rendering, compositing!

For more cool stuff - roddinthemighty.com


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