언리얼4 튜토리얼 - 피벗 페인트 활용 시뮬레이션 제작

언리얼4 튜토리얼 - 피벗 페인트 활용 시뮬레이션 제작

금별 0 2,750 2021.03.28 15:41



In this video we take a look at the Pivot Painter Tool. It  stores the pivot and rotational information in the model's textures. But what does that mean and how can we use it?
Once in Unreal the data allows animations on the pieces even if we are only using a static mesh. We don't need a skeletal mesh and still achieve interesting effects.

In this video I cover the basics and start experimenting with an idea. I wanted the pieces to fly into the scene - starting from the players position. 

The SideFX video I mentioned:

In addition to that I started a few more examples - testing a more mechanical animation. 
I go into a bit more detail in a longer version available to my auditorium patrons. That video together with the Houdini file can be found here

Thank you guys for all the support! 


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