유니티 이펙트 - 발사체 참고영상외 + 팁

유니티 이펙트 - 발사체 참고영상외 + 팁

금별 0 5,345 2019.05.09 00:29




















Some people asked me for a complete breakdown so here it is c:

The trail is this texture, with a bit of noise to make it looks less static.


The flames towards the sphere are that, just offset it C:


Just adjust the position/rotation of the meshes and the direction of the trails until they match c:

The impact is made with a cilinder with modifications in the UV and a flames texture panning (B channel used to dissolve, controlling the dissolve using a custom data in the particle system and the vertexcolor.alpha). I also animate the scale and the speed to make it feel more… Fluid




Some sparks, flames, details and a lot of polishing in the timing.

I made this textures for the flames, a directional shape with a controlled handpainted dissolve in the blue channel.


With a control in the dissolve and animating the scale and the color c:


The last part is just a few meshes spawning towards a point with a paning shape and some noise (similar to the original charge) and a glow with a few flames to make it feels less static.





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