유니티 버텍스 옵셋 효과 예제 Juane Gray

유니티 버텍스 옵셋 효과 예제 Juane Gray

금별 0 2,013 2019.08.20 23:22


So, here I am again my goal is to make guts fall from a zombie character I have laying around, and with it comes some squash and stretch guts and organs that fall out of it.

How am I going to do it? I have no clue. I guess you and me will find out!

Update -1



So to start off I watched a bunch of videos, messed around with a lot of shader things (rotate about axis) (could not get it to work) so I tried another method. this time I started from scratch.

So I came up with the idea to pass the collision point of the object into a space local to the object.



Something like this or similar, and I wanted to get the result of this



Which I somehow of a miracle made happen:



and with that comes the shader: although I could not get rotation to work it’s definitely a step in the right direction!



So today I managed to get rotation working, by simply changing two inputs and converting to world/object space! I am so blind!



Here is what the shader looks like now:




Code related:

private void Start()
    rend = GetComponent<Renderer>();
    RB = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();

private void Update()
    rend.material.SetVector("_ContactPos", toPoint);
    if (!colliding && collisionPoint != Vector3.zero)
        spring2 = 0f;
        spring += Time.deltaTime;
        toPoint = Vector3.Lerp(collisionPoint, Vector3.zero, spring);

    if (colliding)
        spring2 += Time.deltaTime;
        toPoint = Vector3.Lerp(toPoint, collisionPoint, spring2);
        if (toPoint == collisionPoint) { spring2 = 0f; }

public void OnCollisionStay(Collision collision)
    colliding = true;
    ContactPoint contact = collision.GetContact(0);
    point.position = contact.point;
    collisionPoint = -point.gameObject.transform.localPosition;
    Vector3 dir = transform.position - collisionPoint;
    directionPoint = dir.magnitude;

public void OnCollisionExit(Collision collision)
    spring = 0;
    colliding = false;


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