[유니티 쉐이더 튜토리얼]RzFX Flow Trail in Unity

[유니티 쉐이더 튜토리얼]RzFX Flow Trail in Unity

금별 0 2,657 2018.11.11 17:42

For demo test.

Unity 2018.2.4

Amplify shader editor 1.5.8


The overview of the shader is included 4 part.

First: Define the main shape what I want for the trail.

Second: The way how to dissolve the shape. So I need a good motion for the mask.

Third : Fill the color.

Final : Optimize the visual. Mask some defect.

Here is the texture made within Substance designer for the shader.

RG: Work for distort the uv and the end of the trail dissolved.

B: The main shape of trail.




The overview of the shader is included 4 part.

First: Define the main shape what I want for the trail.

Second: The way how to dissolve the shape. So I need a good motion for the mask.

Third : Fill the color.

Final : Optimize the visual. Mask some defect.

Here is the texture made within Substance designer for the shader.

RG: Work for distort the uv and the end of the trail dissolved.

B: The main shape of trail.


Dissolve mask.

As the trail moving to the end will be dissolved by the noise from G channel.

In order to keep the initial opacity, it add the gradient of U coordinate.



To fill the two color from start to end. It is filled full size.

If it multiplied the value of opacity, the pixel which less than 1 goes to black.

So, I created a switch to do the dark edge or not.


Edge mask.

As the value of “Flow Strength” went over, the trail will move over the area.

So, I need a mask making it to be smooth fade out when it over the edge.



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