언리얼4 이펙트 팁 - Sci-fi 홀로그래픽 쉐이더 튜토리얼

언리얼4 이펙트 팁 - Sci-fi 홀로그래픽 쉐이더 튜토리얼

금별 1 7,325 2019.02.27 15:07

Hey, just wanna share with you shader, that I did recently, check tutorial below.

First of all, lets create a translucent/unlit/two sided material. Then I wanna add a pixelization effect, this structure will allow you to do this.

Now I wanna create some glitchy pixel line, that wil scroll on UV. Then I'm adding these two structures.

It's texture time. I used two textures, first I downloaded on internet, second I created with JSplacement software.

Then I'm multiplying result of previous steps for tilling and put them into UV's of first two textures(only them will be pixelized and dystorted), adding a little movement with panner, and constrast correction with power and multiply.

The other two textures (dots) will not be distorted. This is result in emissive channel, you'll need put it in opacity.

I'm adding Emissive and flickering. Masking pixelized UV and adding some sines for flickery. Shader is done.

May be you wanna add this Opacity line to your shader.

Or you'll want to control your opacity with gradient for appearance.

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